Alvi said Hadi Sugondo, Anti death was finally found. News of the discovery is surprising many medical scientists. How not, as the drug is against the laws of nature, that man will not die. According to Hadi Sugondo Alvi, Professor Davis Sinclair from UNSW Medicine has a theory that has been tested that the anti-aging enzyme in the human body has the potential to prevent age-related diseases and prolong life. Alvi Hadi Sugondo added again, this discovery became the most reasonable basis for creating this anti-drug death. According to Davis, the results of this study have been released in March 2013 ago and it can be concluded that there are 117 drugs tested can work on a single enzyme through a common mechanism. Alvi Hadi Sugondo revealed again, based on the experiment, it can be concluded that these findings into the forerunner of anti-aging and anti-death, since this enzyme is very effective to counteract the growth of disease in the body and also make body cells remain young despite age. Many scientists of the world are shocked to hear this news. They still do not believe that this drug can work in accordance with the inventor claims this drug. But indeed, this drug is very brilliant when tested and has passed the feasibility of health and have authentic evidence of the results. This drug is effective in preventing the disease is very deadly, such as cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's to diabetes type two. And research on this phenomenal drug continues until this moment. What underlies this drug could make elderly anti human and anti death? Working principle is very simple, human deaths were caused by failure of the biological processes due ekstenal or internal factors. These drugs only ward special internal biological organ failure only. While certainly can not be due to an accident. Drugs found by Professor Davis Sinclair from UNSW Medicine, he could make us young and unaffected by age. Although we grew older age but our body cells stay young until we avoid aging due to age. Not only that, this drug also said could memerantas dangerous diseases such as cancer and other deadly diseases such similar type 2 diabetes and many more. If the benefits seen, this drug is promising excellent quality of health for mankind, but until this moment many medical scientists who doubt the truth of this drug benefit. "In the history of pharmaceuticals, there has never been pinching enzyme enzyme that can work faster" Sinclair said Professor Davis, and in kenyataanyya rightly so. Professor Davis has been conducting clinical trials on mice and the results are very satisfying. Davis even more convinced, the future of human age can last up to 150 years, and of course if accompanied by the development of this drug discovery. Let's wait if anti-aging and anti-death is actually corresponded to his promise. Because based on the age of discovery, these drugs have recently been found since 2013 and then, and it still requires a lot of clinical evidence of many physicists in the world. And if it is true that this drug can counteract the free radicals caused by human aging process, then the road to the road to the creation of a lasting drug is more wide open.

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